Dance along with Ms. Gina and the Princess Odette! Pretend to be a swan , play with the moon and make new forest friends. First, we will start reading the Swan Lake story. Then we will warm up and stretch while we learn first position, plié, relevé and tendu. Dances we will learn are “Moonlight”, “Fly With Me” and “Forest Friends”. We will also learn to grand jeté while we pretend to leap over swan lake and pretend to turn into different animals! I can’t wait to dance with you!
- Learn ballet steps such as first position, plié, relevé and tendu
- Learn ballet jumps such as grand jeté and sauté
- Learn creative stretching exercises
- Learn choreographed dances as we dance with the Princess Odette
- Dance with the Moonlight, turn yourself into magic forest animals and balance our toys in our creative activities
- Learn how to “reverence” and say thank you in a ballet class
- Perform all your dances for your special audience!